Hemp Seed Vitamin Tonic will assist is a formula to boost your immunity, reduce harmful mucous build up from within the body, reduce and eliminate inflammation, treat PMS, improve Cardiovascular Health, overcome sleeping problems and so much more.
Here is a full listing of the benefits associated with the Hemp Seed Vitamin Tonic:
Boosting Immunity
Excellent source of VITAMINS
Reducing Mucus
Reducing and Eliminating Inflammation
Relieving Joint Pain
Reducing Swelling
Reducing Anxiety
Assisting with Arthritis Pain
Menstrual Cramps (PMS)
Assisting with Depression (Anti-depressant)
Relieving Back Pain
Assisting with Sleep Apnea (lack of sleep)
Assist with Serotonin Relaxation
Improving the Health of Skin & Hair
Increasing Energy & Metabolic Rate
Improving Cardiovascular Health
Has *Cancer fighting Properties.
The ingredients of the Hempseed Vitamin Tonic include Hemp Extracts, Turmeric, Moringa & other powerful Herbs with various benefits in naturally assisting the fight against a wide array of known health issues.
Each bottle contains 16oz